ESO Laboratories has an in-house anti-reflective processing center so we can have greater control over quality and turnaround for the no-glare lenses provided to your patient base. Our specially designed AR Lab houses the lens cleaning system and an advanced Schneider vacuum chamber necessary to produce our Razor and Razor XT AR coatings.
Our no-glare lenses receive a scratch resistant hard coating prior to the AR processing. The completed Razor XT lens provides super-hydrophobic and super-oleophobic properties that repel water and oils, making it easier to keep lenses clean and vision clear. Click for Razor XT sales sheet.
Premium Clear Ultra Scratch-Resistant A/R with the Premium Superb hydrophobic-oleophobic topcoating.
Premium Clear Scratch-Resistant A/R with a hydrophobic-oleophobic topcoating.
Clear Scratch-Resistant A/R with a durable anti-skid top coating.
Blue light Blocking A/R on Front Side to help reduce the harmful blue light with Razor XT on the back side.
ESO Laboratories
2801 South Columbia Rd.
Bogalusa, LA (800) 480-4971
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ESO Laboratories
2801 South Columbia Rd.
Bogalusa, LA (800) 480-4971
site by PALO Creative